Fatehabad (Haryana), Jul 21 (ANI): A 60-year-old Baba in Tohana city of Fatehabad district in Haryana allegedly raped more than 90 women and filmed them. Police nabbed Baba Amarpuri aka Billu Ram, a Mahant at Baba Balaknath Temple after videos of him raping women started surfacing online. Police raided the home and temple premises and seized some suspicious articles belonging to the accused. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Joginder Sharma said that initially they got a tip-off about the Baba Balaknath Temple priest and his acts. "As investigations were underway, it was found that several videos of him, raping women were already doing the rounds in the town," DSP told ANI. He has also appealed people not to circulate such videos since it is a criminal act. Police has booked the tantric under 292, 293, 294, 376, 384, and 509 of Indian Penal Code and 67A of the IT Act.