New Delhi, Jan 18 (ANI): Doting dad Shah Rukh Khan on Friday shared two adorable pictures of his sons Aryan and AbRam. While one photo features AbRam with SRK, the other shows the loving bond shared between his two sons. Along with the pictures, the superstar also explained the ‘Playboys’ mantra’ on social media. He wrote, "Winning is only half of it..having fun the other half.Playing is All of it!!’ The Playboys’ mantra." On the work front, SRK will be next seen in a biopic based on astronaut Rakesh Sharma. The film has been tentatively titled ‘Saare Jahaan Se Achcha’.
SRK explains playboys' mantra
undefined New Delhi, Jan 18 (ANI): Doting dad Shah Rukh Khan on Friday shared two adorable pictures of his sons Aryan and AbRam. While one photo features AbRam with SRK, the other shows the loving bond shared between his two sons. Along with the pictures, the superstar also explained the ‘Playboys’ mantra’ on social media. […]
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