Nitish Kumar, who became the CM of Bihar for the sixth time from BJP’s alliance, had to pass his majority test in Bihar Assembly. Which Nitish passed. But during this time, Leader of the Opposition became a leader, Tejashwi Yadav attacked Nitish, he said that the public had chosen the Maha coalition for five years, but with us, with the people of Bihar, they broke the alliance. Tejaswi Yadav told Nitish that do not you feel ashamed to sit next to Sushil Modi. बीजेपी के गà¤à¤¬à¤‚धन से 6वीं बार बिहार के सीà¤à¤® बने नीतीश कà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤° को बिहार विधानसà¤à¤¾ में अपना बहà¥à¤®à¤¤ टेसà¥à¤Ÿ पास करना था। जिसे नीतीश ने पास कर लिया। लेकिन इस दौरान नेता विपकà¥à¤· बनते ही तेजसà¥à¤µà¥€ यादव ने नीतीश के खिलाफ हमला बोला उनà¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤‚ने कहा कि जनता ने महागà¤à¤¬à¤‚धन को पांच साल के लिठचà¥à¤¨à¤¾ था लेकिन हमारे साथ, बिहार की जनता के साथ धोखा देकर महागà¤à¤¬à¤‚धन को तोड़ दिया। तेजसà¥à¤µà¥€ ने नीतीश से कहा कि कà¥à¤¯à¤¾ आपको शरà¥à¤® नहीं आती आज सà¥à¤¶à¥€à¤² मोदी के बगल में बैà¤à¤¨à¥‡ में।
तेजस्वी यादव ने सीएम नीतीश कुमार पर किये हमले
Nitish Kumar, who became the CM of Bihar for the sixth time from BJP’s alliance, had to pass his majority test in Bihar Assembly. Which Nitish passed. But during this time, Leader of the Opposition became a leader, Tejashwi Yadav attacked Nitish, he said that the public had chosen the Maha coalition for five years, […]
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