Volunteers of UK-based Sikh group clean Golden Temple

undefined Amritsar (Punjab), Mar 08 (ANI): A group of 50 volunteers of a UK-based Sikh group have undertaken the initiative to clean the gold plating of the Golden Temple, affected by pollution and weather, in Amritsar. First the dust settled on the embossed gold plating of the Golden Temple is cleaned by the volunteers of […]

By Prabhat Khabar Digital Desk | March 9, 2018 7:29 AM

Amritsar (Punjab), Mar 08 (ANI): A group of 50 volunteers of a UK-based Sikh group have undertaken the initiative to clean the gold plating of the Golden Temple, affected by pollution and weather, in Amritsar. First the dust settled on the embossed gold plating of the Golden Temple is cleaned by the volunteers of ‘Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha’ and then ‘reetha’ also known as soapnut, is used to scrub away any stains and restore the sheen of the holiest Sikh shrine. A volunteer said no chemical is used in cleaning the temple. The cleaning of the Golden Temple is an annual exercise conducted by several groups.

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