Watch: बारिश से दिल्ली पानी-पानी

undefined New Delhi, Sep 01 (ANI): Heavy rain lashed several parts of National capital on Saturday providing respite from the humidity. The rains come as a big sigh of relief for the residents of Delhi, who were facing intense heat. Although Delhiities had to face water logging situations in several parts leading to restricted mobility […]

By Prabhat Khabar Digital Desk | September 1, 2018 2:39 PM


New Delhi, Sep 01 (ANI): Heavy rain lashed several parts of National capital on Saturday providing respite from the humidity. The rains come as a big sigh of relief for the residents of Delhi, who were facing intense heat. Although Delhiities had to face water logging situations in several parts leading to restricted mobility and traffic jams. Rail Bhavan and Laxmi Nagar area experienced water logging amongst other places. The temperature dropped to 28 degree Celsius. According to India Meteorological Department (IMD), there will be cloudy sky with light rain for few days.

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