दिल्‍ली में मौत का कोहरा : एहतियातन सभी स्‍कूल कुछ और दिन रहेंगे बंद

undefined New Delhi, Nov 07 (ANI): A day after Delhi Chief Minister announced a list of emergency measures to fight the worsening air pollution, schools in the nationa capital remain closed to ensure the safety of the students. Kejriwal on Sunday announced various measures as the city continue to battle smog.

By Prabhat Khabar Digital Desk | November 7, 2016 12:50 PM


New Delhi, Nov 07 (ANI): A day after Delhi Chief Minister announced a list of emergency measures to fight the worsening air pollution, schools in the nationa capital remain closed to ensure the safety of the students. Kejriwal on Sunday announced various measures as the city continue to battle smog.

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